20+ Shocking American Savings Statistics [2023]: Average Personal Savings Accounts, Demographics, And Facts - Zippia (2024)

Research Summary: Whether you’re a home-owner, renting, or living with family members, nearly every American struggles with saving their hard-earned cash. In fact, debt has become a way of life for most of us, ensuring that our savings are eaten away by monthly payments.

But, what is the average American savings? Luckily, we’ve investigated all of the essential facts about American savings, and according to our extensive research:

  • 42% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings as of 2022.

  • The average American savings account balance is $4,500.

  • Between 1959-2022, the average U.S. savings rate has been 8.96%.

  • The average household savings rate in the U.S. was only 5.1% in the second half of 2022.

  • In total, gross personal savings in the U.S. is worth $2.3 trillion.

For further analysis, we broke down the data in the following ways:
Trends and Projections | Emergency Funds | Demographics | Retirement Savings
20+ Shocking American Savings Statistics [2023]: Average Personal Savings Accounts, Demographics, And Facts - Zippia (1)

General American Savings Statistics

Clearly, saving isn’t easy for many Americans, but what does that mean on a broader scale? To understand the state of American savings in more detail, here are some general insights our research uncovered:

  • The average American household savings is $41,600.

    However, this number is heavily skewed by a few with significantly more savings than the rest, as the median household savings is only a meagre of $5,300.

  • A considerable 10% of Americans have no savings.

    That’s at least 25 million American adults who have no savings at all. And this trend has been made worse by the COVID-19 Pandemic, as a third of Americans say they’re worse off now than they were before 2020.

  • 58% of Americans have less than $5,000 in savings.

    More specifically, 42% have less than $1,000 in savings, while another 20% have more than $50,000 in savings. This shows a clear divide between poorer and wealthier Americans.

    Average savings amountShare of Americans
    Less than $1,00042%
  • 71% of Americans have a savings account.

    That leaves nearly a third of Americans with no savings account, and further, a majority of those who do have an account holds less than $5,000 in it.

American Savings Trends and Projections

American savings accounts were hit hard by the COVID-19 Pandemic, even with stimulus checks. However, as things slowly get back to normal, savings accounts may change as well. According to our research:

  • As of June 2022, the household savings rate in the U.S. is 5.1%.

    From March 2022 through June, the current U.S. household savings rate has hovered between 5-5.5%, down significantly from an average of 16.3% in 2020 and 11.9% in 2021.

  • In 2020, the household savings rate was the highest it’s been in over 60 years.

    Reaching 16.3% in 2020, the U.S. household savings rate was exceptionally high. The highest it’d reached before then was only 13.2% in 1970. On the other hand, the lowest point the U.S. household savings rate has ever reached was 3.6% in 2007.

    YearAverage savings rate for U.S. households
  • Since 2007, gross U.S. savings has grown over 5X larger.

    In 2007, gross U.S. savings totaled $353 billion. However, as of 2022, that number has grown to at least $2.3 trillion.

    YearGross U.S. savings

American Savings Statistics by Emergency Funds

Being able to cover an emergency is one of the most important reasons to have savings. However, because many Americans don’t have savings or don’t have enough savings, emergencies often cause financial catastrophe. According to our research:

American Savings Statistics by Demographics

Many businesses in the transportation industry were hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, but we might be starting to see some signs of recovery. For instance, our research shows that:

  • 50% of women have no retirement savings by age 55-66.

    That’s compared to 47% of men between 55-66 who also don’t have any retirement savings. The fact is that women struggle more than men in earning their retirement, and 80% of women live impoverished even when they retire.

  • 62% of American women have less than $1,000 in savings.

    Women are 17% more likely than men to have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts.

  • Americans under 35 only have an average of $3,240 in their savings accounts.

    That’s half that of those 55-64, who have an average of $6,400 in their savings accounts. At the very least, it’s good to know that American savings steadily increase over time.

    AgeMedian balance of accounts
    Younger than 35$3,240

American Savings Statistics by Retirement Savings

As mentioned, saving for retirement can be a huge issue, especially for older women. To find out more about how well Americans are saving for retirement, here are the facts:

  • 13% of Americans over 60 have no retirement savings.

    And this percentage is even worse for younger demographics, as 42% of Americans between 18-29 have no retirement savings.

    AgeShare of those without retirement savings
  • 21% of Americans don’t save any of their annual income.

    Most Americans don’t have a long-term savings plan, with 69% saving less than 10% of their income annually.

    Percentage of annual income savedShare of Americans
    Less than 5%20%
    More than 15%16%

American Savings Statistics FAQ

  1. How much does the average American have in savings?

    The average American has only $4,500 in savings. However, this doesn’t take into account the fact that 42% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings, and 49% are unable to cover a $400 emergency expense if it were to happen today.

  2. How much does the average 35-year-old have in savings?

    The average 35-year-old in the U.S. has saved $13,000. However, this amount could be considered skewed by the few who save well over that amount. In reality, the median savings for those between 35-44 is $4,710.

  3. What is the 50-30-20 budget rule?

    The 50-30-20 budget rule is a budgeting plan where 50% of your income is spent on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% goes into your savings. This plan would put you well above the pack when it comes to savings, as only 16% of Americans save more than 15% of their annual income.

    For example, if you made $50,000 per year, this plan would allow you to save $10,000 in that same year.

  4. Are Americans saving more or less?

    Americans saved significantly less than average in 2022, and will likely do the same in 2023. For instance, the average annual savings rate since 1959 is 8.96%, however, American households only saw an average annual savings rate of 5.1% in 2022.

    A decline in savings can be attributed to many factors, including:

    • inflation increasing the cost of living for Americans

    • Lingering effects of layoffs and career changes during the COVID-19 pandemic

    • Wages remaining stagnant when compared to increasing costs

    • Increased spending on travel and activities now that COVID-19 restrictions are easing


Saving money is a crucial pathway toward your goals, but many Americans are finding it difficult. The fact is that 42% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings, and 49% would not be able to cover a $400 emergency expense.

This has led to many Americans being unable to afford retirement, with 13% of those over 60 having no retirement savings at all.

And these trends were only exacerbated by the COVID-19 Pandemic. What’s more is that currently, Americans are saddled with increasing inflation and debt, which will only make our savings problems worse.

However, the best way you can save money is by implementing a financial plan, changing jobs, or working to pay off your debts. Something as simple as the 50-30-20 budget rule can go a long way.


  1. The Motley Fool. “The Percentage of Americans With Less Than $1,000 in Savings Is Shocking.” Accessed on August 8th, 2022.

  2. Statista. “Value of personal savings in the United States from 1960 to 2021.” Accessed on August 8th, 2022.

  3. BEA. “Personal Saving Rate.” Accessed on August 8th, 2022.

  4. ValuePenguin. “Average U.S. Savings Account Balance: A Demographic Breakdown.” Accessed on August 8th, 2022.

  5. TheStreet. “More Than A Third Of Americans Have Less Savings Than Ever Before.” Accessed on August 8th, 2022.

  6. Statista. “Personal saving rate in the United States from 1960 to 2021.” Accessed on August 8th, 2022.

  7. FRB. “Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2020 – May 2021.” Accessed on August 8th, 2022.

  8. CNBC. “Over half of Americans have less than 3 months worth of emergency savings.” Accessed on August 8th, 2022.

  9. The Ascent. “49% of Americans Couldn’t Cover a $400 Emergency Expense Today, Up From 32% in November.” Accessed on August 8th, 2022.

  10. Census. “Those Who Married Once More Likely Than Others to Have Retirement Savings.” Accessed on August 8th, 2022.

  11. Yahoo. “58% of Americans Have Less Than $1,000 in Savings, Survey Finds.” Accessed on August 8th, 2022.

  12. FirstRepublic. “A Look at the Average American’s Savings.” Accessed on August 8th, 2022.

  13. Statista. “Share of adults without retirement savings in the United States as of January 2020, by age group.” Accessed on August 8th, 2022.

  14. CNBC. “Here’s how many working Americans aren’t saving any money for retirement or emergencies at all.” Accessed on August 8th, 2022.

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20+ Shocking American Savings Statistics [2023]: Average Personal Savings Accounts, Demographics, And Facts - Zippia (2)


Jack Flynn20+ Shocking American Savings Statistics [2023]: Average Personal Savings Accounts, Demographics, And Facts - Zippia (3)

Jack Flynn is a writer for Zippia. In his professional career he’s written over 100 research papers, articles and blog posts. Some of his most popular published works include his writing about economic terms and research into job classifications.Jack received his BS from Hampshire College.

20+ Shocking American Savings Statistics [2023]: Average Personal Savings Accounts, Demographics, And Facts - Zippia (2024)


20+ Shocking American Savings Statistics [2023]: Average Personal Savings Accounts, Demographics, And Facts - Zippia? ›

The typical U.S. adult socked away $6,138.06. And while it's worth noting that Americans were targeting an average savings total of $7,435.57 for 2023, $6,138.06 is still pretty darn impressive.

What is the average savings for Americans in 2023? ›

The typical U.S. adult socked away $6,138.06. And while it's worth noting that Americans were targeting an average savings total of $7,435.57 for 2023, $6,138.06 is still pretty darn impressive.

What is the average savings account for the average American? ›

Are you curious how your savings stack up to other Americans? According to the Federal Reserve's most recent Survey of Consumer Finances, the median savings account balance for all families was $8,000 in 2022. Savings account balances can vary greatly depending on income, age, education and race.

What percent of Americans have $5000 in savings? ›

About 29% of respondents have between $501 and $5,000 in their savings accounts, while the remaining 21% of Americans have $5,001 or more. Few hold much cash in their checking accounts as well. Of those surveyed, 60% report having $500 or less in their checking accounts, while only about 12% have $2,001 or more.

How much money does the average 20-year-old have in savings? ›

In fact, people in their 20s were able to save an average of nearly $5,580 last year, according to data from New York Life, putting them third on the list of age groups that saved the most in 2023. That's less than the average amount of $7,148 people in their 20s aimed to save, but how much should you really be saving?

How many people have $10,000 in savings? ›

Majority of Americans Have Less Than $1K in Their Savings Now
How Much Do Americans Have in Their Savings Accounts?
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Mar 27, 2023

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Average savings by age
AgeMedian bank account balanceMean bank account balance
2 more rows
Feb 29, 2024

Is $20,000 a good amount of savings? ›

Having $20,000 in a savings account is a good starting point if you want to create a sizable emergency fund. When the occasional rainy day comes along, you'll be financially prepared for it. Of course, $20,000 may only go so far if you find yourself in an extreme situation.

How much money should you have by age? ›

Average Retirement Savings

Here's the full guideline from Fidelity: By age 30: Save 1x your income. By age 35: Save 2x your income. By age 40: Save 3x your income.

How much cash should I have on hand? ›

While you're working, we recommend you set aside at least $1,000 for emergencies to start and then build up to an amount that can cover three to six months of expenses.

How much money does an average American have in a bank? ›

According to data from the Federal Reserve's 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances, the average American family has $62,410 in savings, across savings accounts, checking accounts, money market accounts, call deposit accounts, and prepaid cards.

How many Americans have at least $100000 in savings? ›

Most American households have at least $1,000 in checking or savings accounts. But only about 12% have more than $100,000 in checking and savings.

How many Americans don't have $1000 in savings? ›

44% of Americans can't pay an unexpected $1,000 expense from savings. 'We're just not wired to save,' expert says. Many Americans cannot cover a $1,000 emergency expense with cash, a new survey finds.

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Average net worth by age
Age by decadeAverage net worthMedian net worth
4 more rows

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

How much cash should I have at 20? ›

So the average person in their early twenties may need about $5,241 for a three-month emergency fund and $10,482 for a six-month emergency fund. However, you may be in your late twenties and have a higher salary or live in a more expensive city.

What is the savings rate predicted for 2023? ›

Savings Rates Forecasts 2022-23

With the federal funds rate up to 5.25% and 5.50% throughout the latter half of 2023, the best savings rates approached 6.00% APY.

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Average savings by age
AgeMedian AmountAverage Amount
Less than 35$3,240$11,250
35 to 44$4,710$27,910
45 to 54$6,400$48,200
55 to64$5,620$55,320
2 more rows

What is the average interest on a savings account in 2023? ›

Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations. The average interest rate on savings accounts marched steadily upward in 2023, increasing from 0.33% APY in January to 0.46% APY as of November 20, 2023, according to FDIC data.

How much does the average American have in their checking account? ›

To get a sense of where you stand compared to other Americans – the average checking account balance is just under $9,000, for instance – USA Today Blueprint broke down figures from an analysis of Federal Reserve data by the University of California at Berkeley.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.