The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon : KNTV : June 10, 2024 11:34pm-12:37am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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today, assemblyman matt haney honored brooks-moon with the prestigious woman of the year award at the state capitol. well deserved. 24 years ago, she became the first voice of the giants, and she broke barriers for women of color in major league baseball. back in march, brooks-moon and the giants parted ways after they failed to come to an agreement on their contract. the giants have been rotating game announcers for the 2024 season, but let's talk about runl. congratulations renee. amazing. you're fantastic. go runl. yes, thanks for joining us. great

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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- steve carell, amandla stenberg, noah lyles, musical guest,carly pearce, and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 1985! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: come on! oh, thank you very much! hey!

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[ cheers and applause ] enjoy yourself. welcome, everybody. welcome to "the tonight show." you're here! you made it. thank you very much. thank you for watching. [ cheers and applause ] you guys, i'm excited about this. steve carell is my guest tonight! [ cheers and applause ] you may know steve from a a little tv show called "the office." [ cheers and applause ] that's right. it was historic 'cause it was nbc's last show that wasn't set in chicago. [ laughter ] yeah. yeah, between re-runs of "the office" and all of the "despicable me" movies, steve is basically responsible for keeping the lights on at peaco*ck. [ laughter ] well, this is exciting. olympian noah lyles is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] he is the fastest man in the world. can we welcome him out here, right now? wow. [ laughter ] unbelievable. there we go.

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that was noah lyles, everybody. that's right, noah lyles is the fastest man in the world. stormy daniels heard and was like, "uh, i beg to differ." and you, "what -- hey --" [ laughter ] ♪ speaking of, today, former president trump had his first meeting with his new york city probation officer. [ audience oohs ] things got off to a rough start when trump offered the probation officer $130,000. [ laughter ] you go, "no, stop -- stop doing that!" yep, trump met with his probation officer over zoom. which was great, 'cause trump's lawyer could hit mute whenever he started talking. he's like -- [ laughter ] "this whole thing is --" "he loves the process." [ laughter ] yep, today a new york cityprobation officer asked trump a series of questions ahead of his sentencing. and trump actually agreed to join us right now to answer some of those same questions on the record. let's speak to him, right now. mr. trump, thank you for talking to us. you've been criminally convicted. where do experts think that you should serve your sentence? >> prisons, insane asylums, and mental institutions. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. all right, okay. now, you -- you own several homes.

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if you get house arrest, which house would you like to stay in? >> waffle house. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: got it. you're also facing a prison sentence. do you know anyone that has gone to prison? >> all my friends. >> jimmy: okay, yeah. [ laughter ] all of them. okay. in prison, you might sleep in a a bunk bed. what would the climb up the top bunk be like for you? >> mount everest. >> jimmy: oh, that's interesting. [ laughter ] of course, some inmates get things by trading cigarettes, candy, or cash. what would you trade in prison? >> don jr. >> jimmy: okay, all right. [ laughter ] all right, yeah. >> and eric. >> jimmy: all right -- you're going to throw in eric, too. okay, i understand. look, a lot of inmates also spend time exercising. what would it be like for you to do some weightlifting in the yard? >> ahh! [ laughter ] [ groaning ] >> jimmy: okay. all right, all right. take it easy. take it easy. [ laughter ] just so we have it, what size handcuffs do you wear? >> tiny little. tiny little. [ laughter ]

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last question, what do you think you'll be doing after one night behind bars? >> thumb in mouth, saying, "mommy, take me home! mommy --" >> jimmy: all right, thank you. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] thank you for your time. thank you very much. ♪ donald trump. [ applause ] some more trump news. yesterday in las vegas, he held an outdoor rally in over 100-degree heat. trump spoke for an hour in extreme heat. and you can tell that the higher the temperature went, the more it got to him. watch this. >> it's not as bad as i thought. i thought i'd be wilting up here. and by the way, isn't that breeze nice? you feel the breeze? i'm up here sweating like a a dog. if you start going down, we have people, they'll pick you up right away. they'll throw water -- [ light laughter ] by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. you notice that? i don't care about you, i just want your vote. i don't care. you know what i'd do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? i'll take electrocution every single time. i'm not getting near the shark. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what? what's going -- what's he talking about?

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well, as we head towards the election, "time" magazine has now held interviews with both trump and biden, calling each article "if he wins." take a look at this. yeah. well, it turns out other magazines have also interviewed both candidates. and the question they asked are interesting. i'll show you what i mean. for instance, "reader's digest" asked, "do you like reader's digest?" trump said, "no, i have trouble reading." [ laughter ] and biden said, "no, i have trouble digesting." [ laughter ] that's interesting. >> steve: really? >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: "reader's digest." >> jimmy: yeah, interesting. >> steve: yeah, wow. >> jimmy: next up, "good housekeeping" said, "what chores do you do at home?" trump said, "every morning, i make my tanning bed." [ laughter ] while biden said, "every night, i run my teeth through the dishwasher." [ laughter ] up next, "bon appetit" asked, "what's your favorite recipe?" biden said, "filet minion with a miralax glaze and crumbled lipitor." [ laughter ] while trump said, "squirting the ketchup and mustard pumps into my mouth at the same time." [ laughter ] then, "aarp" asked, "do you think you're too old to be president?" trump said, "what?"

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while biden said, "come again?" [ laughter ] and finally, "tv guide" said "what is your favorite show currently on television?" biden said, "come on, man, i'm way too busy to watch the picture box." [ laughter ] while trump said, "it's a tie between 'hannity' and 'bluey.'" [ laughter ] there you go. that's interesting. they're both one word. [ cheers and applause ] well, some business news, kia is recalling 463,000 suvs 'cause the front seats can catch on fire. [ laughter ] kia recalled the cars, then kia owners were like, "hey, why don't you come and get it?" [ laughter ] i'm not gonna smore myself in that rolling bonfire. [ laughter ] guys, i saw that cold stone creamery is being sued because their pistachio ice cream doesn't contain actual pistachios. [ light laughter ] well, today, some other restaurant chains weighed in on the controversy. first, panera bread said, "we never misrepresent our

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ingredients. everything we use is real and fresh." next up, olive garden said, "we're always honest with our customers about what's in our food." then, taco bell said, "does anyone have a good lawyer?" [ laughter ] then, panda express said, "can we have that lawyer when you're done with that?" [ laughter ] then, subway said, "not gonna lie, we're looking at trump-level felony charges for our tuna alone." [ laughter ] and finally, arby's said, "let's put it this way. we do have the meats, but they're not the meats you think we have." [ laughter and applause ] we do have the meats. ♪ well, i read that martha's vineyard is close to running out of marijuana. [ ligh laughter ] so, if you want to know how worried obama is about biden winning the election, there's your answer. [ laughter and applause ] finally, guys, you know sometimes i see a picture in the news that's capturing one thing but actually gives me a a totally different feeling. i'm going to show you what i mean in a segment called "that

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feeling when." check it out. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ that that that that that feeling when ♪ >> jimmy: first, we have a a picture of the british prime minister looking at a table of baked goods. but it reminds me of that feeling when you forget which loaf of bread you hid the engagement ring in. it's like, "wait a second --" [ laughter and applause ] "is it that one? why did i do this?" here's a picture of one of china's presidents sitting in a a session of congress. it reminds me of that feeling when your kids insist on serving you a special breakfast on father's day. [ laughter and applause ] here's another picture of president biden where he's wearing a football helmet. [ light laughter ] reminds me of that feeling when you're about to get a ride from a two-star uber driver. [ laughter and applause ] here's our last one, here. it's a picture of donald trump speaking at a campaign event. >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: it reminds me of that feeling when you see an electric fan and you just got to stand in front of it and say, "luke, i am your father." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] that's all the time we have for "that feeling when." we have a great show!

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steve carell is here tonight! [ cheers and applause ] amandla stenberg is joining us! [ cheers and applause ] u.s. olympian, noah lyles, is here! [ cheers and applause ] and we've got great music from carly pearce! [ cheers and applause ] stick around, we'll be right back with steve carell, everybody! come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i heard that they're gonna reboot "the office." >> yeah. >> jimmy: and that's -- [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. it's gonna be -- and i don't know if you know this, it's gonna be all the original cast. i'm in it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, my god. don't get people excited. >> no. (man) that looks really high. (woman) it is high. whenever you're ready. (man) are there any snakes? (woman) nope. (man) are you sure? here we go! (vo) it's time to push your limits. (woman) you're doing great! (man) oh, is that a buffalo? (woman) babe, that's a cow.

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(vo) the subaru crosstrek wilderness. adventure on the edge.

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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is an oscar and emmy-nominated actor who returns to the role of gru in the new animated movie "despicable me 4," which opens in theaters and imax july 3rd, please welcome steve carell! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪

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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you feel the love in the room! steve carell, welcome back to the show. >> thank you so much. thanks for having me. >> jimmy: so happy to see you. man, i've got to talk about the movie. i loved it so much. i watched it with my kids. it's fantastic. you're phenomenal. i'll get into "despicable me 4." but first, i want to talk to you. you're on broadway right now. >> i am on broadway right now. >> jimmy: this is unbelievable. "uncle vanya." [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's a big deal. i know you've acted in theater and stuff, never broadway, though? >> never. no, i -- the last time i was on stage was 30 years ago. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: why'd it take so long? >> i was waiting for my kids to grow up. [ light laughter ] no, seriously. i didn't want -- it's a big time commitment, so i didn't want to leave while they were little kids, so i waited. >> jimmy: are you an empty nester? >> yeah. >> jimmy: no. >> yeah. >> jimmy: how old are the kids? >> they're 20 and 23.

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>> jimmy: that's not true. >> yeah, it's true. >> jimmy: wow. >> they're old, and i'm older. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. how is the broadway experience going so far? >> it's been really exciting. very challenging, really fun, great cast. it's a great show-- >> jimmy: how do you do that many shows a week? i mean we were lucky enough to have broadway stars on our show, and i go, "i don't know how you could do it." >> it's so hard. [ laughter ] no, it's great, it's fun. it's eight shows a week and we have great audiences over at lincoln center. it's been nothing but a joy. >> jimmy: you're finishing the play on sunday, and so i want to say congrats on a great run. >> thanks. >> jimmy: it's awesome. "uncle vanya", go check it out if you can before sunday. [ cheers and applause ] >> thanks. >> jimmy: you know i'm a fan of yours, not only from "the office" obviously, but your movies, but also back in the day, the sketches you and colbert and all these things i've seen you do. you're one of the best. have you ever gone -- had something go haywire when you're doing, like, an improv thing? >> the closest thing i had was an altercation with a baboon -- [ laughter ]

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in terms of improv. i was doing a movie and this baboon -- they trained the baboon to -- i was working on something and at one point i was going to sit down next to the baboon, and we were both -- they trained the baboon to drink a glass of lemonade. >> jimmy: of course. >> so i was going to sit down and pour a glass for the baboon, and pour a glass for myself -- or, no, i was going to pour a glass for him, he was going to drink it, and then i was going to drink it. and so he started drinking the lemonade, and i looked at the baboon, and i improvised with the baboon. [ laughter ] because you know, they look sort of like human beings -- [ laughter ] -- who would understand what an improv would be. and i said, "hey, man! don't drink it all!" and the baboon went, "ahh!" [ laughter ] like, "i'm going to rip your face off right now." >> jimmy: yes, of course! >> i thought, "what are you doing?" >> jimmy: yes. >> you're improvising with this animal, and all they've been

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trained to do is drink the lemonade, and i -- >> jimmy: you're going off script. you're like, "i'm gonna' do a a bit." >> yeah, don't go off script with the baboon. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know, i was doing some research about what -- the things that people may not know about steve carell. and i read somewhere that you're a swiftie. >> well, i -- yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: a taylor swift fan. i mean -- listen, i met -- briefly i met taylor swift. remember "trl" way, way back? >> jimmy: of course, carson daly. >> so early on in my career, and in hers too -- i was obviously much older. but we were both on "trl" at the same time, and i met her sort of in passing, and i thought, "boy, she's -- you know, she seems special," like even back then. >> jimmy: talented. >> and so i was -- very. very sweet, very nice. just had a really nice first impression. and then years later, obviously, following her career, i remember -- and she became a big superstar -- i remember seeing some video of her, and it wasn't like a big viral thing. it was just something i found in the recesses of the internet, and it was her in a a hospital playing an acoustic guitar for a patient there, some kid, who was, you know,

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recovering from something. and there was no big crew. it was like a really low-key, handheld thing that she sort of just did on the sly, and i thought, "that's so cool." and not publicized, just, you know, leading with her heart, and i thought, "okay, you know, i'm a fan." >> jimmy: "i'm going to root for that person." >> "i am going to root for that person." >> jimmy: yeah. i will say you are a really nice human, as well. >> no, no, no. [ laughter ] no, not taylor swift level. >> jimmy: no, but -- no, but you're up there. [ light laughter ] no, but i've seen -- you're so nice. you're one of the nicest -- >> it's an act, come on! [ laughter ] hollywood stuff! >> jimmy: "it's an act." >> it's what gets you ahead! >> jimmy: oh, stop it. that is not true at all. >> just wait till the camera goes off. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: can we talk about "the office" really quick, just because i heard that they're going to reboot "the office." >> yeah.

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>> jimmy: and that's -- [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. it's going to be -- and i don't know if you know this, it's going to be all of the original cast. i'm in it. >> jimmy: oh, my god. [ scattered cheers ] don't get people excited. >> no. >> jimmy: see -- no, no, but -- no. >> no, no, no. >> jimmy: who is gonna be in it? do you know who's involved at all? >> i know domhnall gleeson, who i did "the patient" with, is going to be one of the leads. i know that for sure. and he's an excellent actor, and he actually called me and asked, you know, "should i do this, is this something -- did you enjoy it?" >> jimmy: that's a class act. >> yeah, he's great. he's great. >> jimmy: let's talk "despicable me 4." this is a giant -- you know these movies have made, i want to say over $4 billion. it's like the -- the biggest hit in animated film history, this franchise. what is the -- why is the reason people go back? is it --? >> it's me. >> jimmy: it's you. [ laughter ] yeah, i was going to say, yeah, steve carell. that's exactly what i -- [ cheers and applause ] that's what taylor swift would've said. >> well -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's what taylor swift would've said.

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>> i'm so nice! [ light laughter ] and people like to see niceness. >> jimmy: nice people, yes. >> even if it's just a voice. >> jimmy: yes, a voice of nice, yeah. >> um, it's a lot of things. i think the minions are crazy funny. i think the writing is great. you know, they've -- they've created this arc of characters and relationships. >> jimmy: and they keep it fresh. >> it's funny, it's really funny. it's fun to see with a group of people, too. >> jimmy: and there's a new addition to the family, there's baby gru. >> baby gru is a hit. >> jimmy: a little tiny baby. >> a baby that looks just like gru, and he hates gru. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes. >> hates him! >> jimmy: he hates him. >> they have not bonded yet, and gru is doing everything he can do to bond with this baby, and it is not happening. >> jimmy: it crushed in the theater i saw it in. it crushed, the funniest thing ever. they always do something different. the animation is next level. and in this one basically you're going up against -- will ferrell is trying to kill you. >> he's so funny. when i saw this, i did not even recognize will's voice.

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it sounds so different. he's fantastic. >> jimmy: he's so great in it. everyone is fantastic. colbert is in this as well, very funny. kristen wiig is unbelievable. but the baby is unbelievable. wait till you see all the moves. i want to show everyone a clip. here's steve carell as the voice of gru in "despicable me 4." take a look. >> we aren't supposed to lie. >> don't think of it as lying. think of it as high-stakes pretending. >> well, i'm not going to. >> bah, just a little white lie. >> nope! >> agnes, as your father i command you to lie! >> no. >> yes, lie. >> mm-mm. >> you are walking on thin ice, little lady! >> hmph. >> why can't you be more like your sister edith, she lies all the time. >> no, i don't. >> see! see! she's lying right now. beautifully, i might add. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: steve carell, everybody!

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"despicable me 4" opens in theaters and imax july 3rd. we'll be right back. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] we really don't want people to think of feeding food ke ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ one bite of a 100% angus beef ball park frank and you'll say...

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...hello summer! oh yeah, it's ball park season. what's the worst part of the locker room? shareef: axe. axe. brandon: i like that. shareef: reminds me of like a designer store. brandon: this smells like a candle. shareef: is this a joke? you chose axe! brandon: i knew i had good taste! shareef: i thought that was a designer brand. at tj maxx, you can afford to turn your closet into a place of endless expression. with the quality, styles, and prices you love. ♪♪ ♪ i wanna rock n' roll all night ♪ ♪ and party everyday ♪ ♪ i wanna rock n' roll ♪

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applebee's late night because half off is just more fun. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.

12:00 am

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a slow network is no network for business. now that's eatin' good that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a a very talented actor, who stars in the acclaimed new show, "star wars: the acolyte." new episodes air tuesdays on disney+. please welcome amandla stenberg!

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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh! come on now! amandla, welcome back! >> okay, i didn't expect that theme. that was awesome. >> jimmy: i know, come on. we have -- we're in the "star wars" vibes right now. welcome back to the show. we have a lot to talk about. congratulations on the show. i know you've been working on this for a while now. >> yeah, it's been a long time. i signed on three years ago, and i haven't been able to talk about it. so i can finally share it with you. it's awesome. >> jimmy: it's set in the "star wars," universe and one of the first places you promoted was in london at -- "the star wars --"? >> "star wars" celebration, which i learned is actually, like, how cons came to exist. and i love cons.

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i love cosplaying. >> jimmy: like comic-con and all of that stuff? >> yes. yeah, sorry. i'm like, "you know what that is." >> jimmy: yeah cons, yeah conventions. >> i realize not everyone goes to cons. that is me at the con. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: you showed up in costume as -- >> as padme. >> jimmy: -- as padme which is -- >> that is my favorite. oh, my god, there she is. >> jimmy: -- natalie portman. >> that is mean. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: now, here's why i love -- here's why i love you, all right? 'cause you showed up to this thing, right? here's your cast, who is all great. you're the only one who dressed in character, or --. [ cheers and applause ] everyone else's just fashionable. everyone's just wearing a a thing, but you didn't. [ cheers and applause ] i love that you did that. i love that you chose -- >> thank you for blowing me out like that. >> jimmy: no, i think it's cool. >> you're like, "nerd." >> jimmy: why not? >> it was so much fun, yeah. >> jimmy: what is it like? is it -- i mean -- >> they told me that i was going to be doing a panel, and i was like, "okay, cool, awesome." and then they took me behind some doors and then it was like -- these, like, mechanized doors open and there was smoke, and like, a catwalk, and droids all around the stage. >> jimmy: they "star wars"-ed it up. >> and there's thousands of people with lightsabers. >> jimmy: yes. >> and i did not see that one coming. it was awesome.

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i had so much fun. and afterwards, i went back to my hotel, and i've been wearing these, like, bunny hats all the time. because you know, if you're, like, a little neuro-spicy it's just -- it's a nice way to kind of like block out your senses. does anyone relate to that? [ light laughter ] or does that --? no? okay. >> jimmy: so you -- just walk me through this. >> yeah, okay, okay. so, my friend makes these bunny hats, and they just like are really comfortable. it's kind of like a balaclava. and i went back to my hotel and i put on my bunny hat, and then, i heard this edm music coming from outside, and i was like, "what is that?" and so i followed it, naturally, and i went downstairs, and -- [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: in your bunny hat? >> in my bunny hat. -- and through the doors, and in front of me there was this park. it was so beautiful. the light was shining down. and in the park was, like, 50 furries. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, wow, now we're talking. now we're talking. here we go. >> and well then, that's when i realized that the venn diagram of "star wars" fans and furries exists.

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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow! >> and i just kind of floated down into the park. >> jimmy: now, what furries were there? were they all -- i mean, you're a bunny. >> well -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: kind of, right? kind of? well, i mean, you just happened to be wearing bunny. >> yeah, so they, like -- >> jimmy: you're, like, "this is meant to be." >> they, like, welcomed me with open arms. they were, like -- you know, they were like, "oh, come in." and like moving their little paws. [ laughter ] and then i started dancing with them, and i was just having the time of my life, and it didn't even occur to me, i was like, "oh, they think that i, too, am a furry." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. of course. >> and now we are congregating together in this beautiful -- it was honestly beautiful. >> jimmy: i have, actually, a a video of you dancing with these furries. we have a video. look at this. here's amandla. ♪ [ laughter and cheers ] >> jimmy: oh, my god! all right, all right. [ cheers and applause ] first of all, i want one of the

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bunny hats. and then -- and then what happened? you hear the -- you danced to edm music and then you go, "all right, now what are we -- are we gonna go to denny's, or what are doing?" >> i just thought, like, "oh, my god, i'm not prepared for this momentous occasion," you know? and so, i went back upstairs to like grab my belongings, 'cause obviously i was going to spend the rest of the day with the furries. like what else? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, yeah. yeah, of course. >> and i do. and so i go upstairs, i grab my stuff, i come back down, and they're gone. and, like, my heart shattered. like, i was so worked up. i was so, so sad. >> jimmy: and had the drugs worn off by then? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there were no furries, amandla. we just watched the video, you were by yourself dancing. you were by yourself dancing. >> no, i really felt like -- i was like, "did i hallucinate that?" like, "am i okay? where are they?" >> jimmy: "what was that?" >> and then i started, you know, scouring the streets. i was, like, "excuse me, sir, have you seen a group of people in mascot costumes?" and people were like, "no." and i'm like running from street to street looking for them. and then i see this girl and

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she has cat ears. and i'm like, "she knows exactly where they are." and i follow her, and she leads me to, i would say, a more exclusive furry meet-up. where like, it's more kind of -- they're all like reclined on these steps. it's a little more "gossip girl" kind of energy. like, "we're elite." >> jimmy: reclined on the steps, yes. i know exactly the scene. i'm picturing the scene. >> and then i pull up. >> jimmy: do you talk to each other? >> you don't, really. i pulled up and i was like, "okay, i gotta be cool." and so i kind of was like, took my ears and was, like -- [ light laughter ] and then they welcomed me again, and i think it is -- i really do understand furries now. and i didn't understand them before, but it was so nice to just not have to say anything and just wave your paws around. [ laughter ] and i think that's what life is really about. >> jimmy: that is what life is

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really about. [ cheers and applause ] just sit around, we're with each other, we're enjoying, and wave your little paws, and flip your ears. >> flip your little ears. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: what an experience. >> furries are great. i think people really misconceive them. >> jimmy: next time you come back, i'd love to wear a bunny hat with you and dance. >> yeah. >> jimmy: but i want to talk about "the acolyte" now. >> yes. >> jimmy: this is a big deal. this is -- i mean, when you're in -- you get this gig, you're in a a "star wars," you're in this world now. do you get nervous for the audition? do you go like, "i don't know, i mean, this is going to change my life." >> yeah, absolutely. i mean i thought long and deep about how this would shape my life kind of forever. like, being able to be a part of this massive legacy. >> jimmy: it's amazing. >> but i love my showrunner, leslye headland, so much, and she really feels like my partner in crime. and yeah, this show is just so much fun 'cause it also -- i play two characters. >> jimmy: yeah, that's right. >> and so, we really dive into these themes of yin and yang, and yeah, just having, really a a balance of the force sort of perspective on it. >> jimmy: congrats on all of the great reviews. i want to show everyone a clip. here's amandla stenberg in "star wars: the acolyte." take a look at this. ♪ ♪

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♪ >> jimmy: come on now. that's how you do it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you know what i wanted to say? not only are you a talented actor, but you're also an accomplished musician and a a great violin player. i saw this -- something online where you learned a song from the score of "star wars." and i'm, like, wow, you are talented, and i was just wondering since we have the greatest band in the land, the roots are here tonight, and i happen to have this beautiful violin --

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[ cheers and applause ] -- is there any way you'll give us a taste? can you play a little? >> all right. twist my arm. >> jimmy: yeah, come on. thank you, bud. i appreciate this. amandla stenberg. whenever you're ready. >> okay. >> jimmy: go for it, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> so ominous. [ laughter ] okay. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪

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♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: come on now! that is how you do it! [ cheers and applause ] amandla stenberg! that is how you do it! ♪ new episodes of "star wars: the acolyte" airs tuesdays on disney+. ♪ olympian noah lyles joins us after the break. stick around, everybody! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [man grunting]

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♪ “kariye pyar” nahid akhtar ♪ ♪ ♪ indistinguishable vocalizations ♪ [camera click] ♪ indistinguishable vocalizations ♪ [camera click] [camera click] [camera click] ♪ indistinguishable vocalizations ♪ ♪ [water splashing] you know what i want? grapes...that taste like cotton candy. yeah, join the club. how about a fancy steakhouse ribeye? mmm, without the fancy steakhouse prices. yeah, join the club. i just want to feed this bod wild-caught salmon like it deserves. join the club. yeah, join the club and save on fresh, sustainably-sourced seafood. i work out a lot so that's helpful. cool. download the sam's club app to get your fresh ingredients today. sam's club. [ growl ] ready for the road trip.

12:13 am

everyone comfortable. yep, there's plenty of space. i've even got an extra seat. wait! no, no, no, no, no. [ gasps ] [ indistinct chatter ] [ sigh ] let's just wait them out. the volkswagen atlas with three rows of seating for seven. everyone wants a ride. [ snoring ] ok, get in. [ speaking minionese ] yippee! and see "despicable me 4" in theaters july 3rd. rated pg. (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. (marci) so, tell us about this corn festival. (stylist) oooh you got your corn pudding... (marci) it safe around here? (stylist) sometimes. [luke gasping] (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we gotta run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. ♪ [song playing - here comes the hotstepper by ini kamoze] ♪ [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] [people shaking the ice in their cups] ♪

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[ french horn playing ] ahhh!!! ahhh!!! ahhh!!! ahhh!!! - yah! yah! yah! ahhh!!!

12:15 am

12:16 am

♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a a six-time world champion sprinter, who is currently the fastest man in the world. he'll be competing in the u.s. olympic team trials for the paris olympics. coverage starts this saturday at 8:00 p.m. on nbc and peaco*ck. everyone, please welcome, noah lyles. [ cheers and applause ] ♪

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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you look good, bud. >> thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: i'm honored that you're here. the fastest man in the world is a title that you earned at the 2023 world championships. it's got to feel good to say that you're the fastest man in the world. >> it does. it feels very good. >> jimmy: yeah. [ light laughter ] give people the idea of -- of how fast -- your speed. how fast are you running at your fastest? >> i'd say 26 miles per hour. so if i ran in a school zone, i'd get a ticket. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but that's -- but as a sprinter, you can't, like, rev up to 26 -- you have to start at 26 miles an hour. >> no, you don't have to start, but you've got to be dang close, you know? if you are starting at 5 miles per hour i'm going to assure you, everybody gonna run away from you. >> jimmy: yeah. i mean, you just -- but you just go -- your muscles are just ready to go. >> yeah.

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i'm putting about -- so, if you've watched track, you know we use blocks when we first start. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i'm putting more than 300 pounds of force into those blocks. >> jimmy: wow. that's insane. and you got into this through your parents? >> well, both of my parents, they ran. but they were not the reason that we got into it. in fact, when we were younger, they tried to get us into track, and my brother -- we were probably about 5, 6-years-old, and my brother after the coach tells him to go run, is like, "you're not my daddy!" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what? >> and my parents said, "okay, yeah, no. it's too young. it's too young." >> jimmy: too young for this, yeah, exactly, no, yeah. but then when did you get the -- the bug and go, like, "i think we can do this?" >> you know, i started -- i got in by high jump. so, i was high jumping for a a few years, and me and my brother, we went to the junior olympics. it's basically like nationals for age group track. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and it was 2012, and guess what was going on at that time? 2012 olympics. >> jimmy: yeah.

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>> opening ceremonies, you know? you're watching allyson felix go down, and we're, like, "you know what? i think -- i think we can make the olympics." >> jimmy: you -- but you just think like that? >> well my brother thought it. to be honest, my brother thought it. well, at the same time, you know? we were surrounded by a lot of olympians. >> jimmy: yeah. >> we were very close to the clark family. jearl miles clark, hazel clark, joetta clark, even their, you know, joetta's daughter, they're all olympians. you know? >> jimmy: so, you go, "this is a possible -- this is a dream that's possible." >> oh, definitely. like, at the time, i thought, you know, becoming an olympian was like getting your driver's license. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. [ laughter ] >> you know, it's just something, if you want it, you can go get it. >> jimmy: but, man, oh, man, did you realize how much work it was gonna be? >> oh, of course. definitely. >> jimmy: you did? >> i did. eventually.

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you know, in 2016, you know, me and my brother were seniors in high school, and we went to the trials, and, you know, i got fourth. so, i was one place away from making the team. so, technically i was an alternate, but you usually don't like to count it. you usually want the whole thing, you know? >> jimmy: do you get nervous for the trials? now people can watch the trials on nbc and peaco*ck. >> yeah, you guys are going to watch, right? >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> all right, good.]e >> jimmy: you're our guy! >> good, good, good. >> jimmy: noah lyles is my guy all of the way in paris. >> i promise you, you're going to make a lot of money that way. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah --- no exactly. no, i'm all in on you, bud. i can't wait to watch you. but you don't want to just win gold medals? >> oh, no. one is too little. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: you said that you're looking to come home with four. >> four. >> jimmy: four gold -- but that's never been done. >> that's why i want to do it so badly. >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. [ cheers and applause ] that's what i'm talking about. but, what -- what competitions are they? what are they? 100? >> so we have the 100 meters. >> jimmy: okay. >> and we have the 200 meters. >> jimmy: yep. >> and then we have the relays, the 4x1, and then the one i'm trying to add to the list is the 4x4. >> jimmy: now, what makes you go, "i want to add this extra pressure in my life." >> so, i was -- [ laughter ]

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>> jimmy: 'cause if you just do one, you're a champ, you're on the cover of the wheaties box. you're on everything lile, "yeah dude, did it." it's like, "no, i'm going to add one more thing." >> so, everybody knows bolt. you guys know bolt, right? >> jimmy: yeah, usain bolt. >> yeah, everybody knows usain bolt. great guy. great guy. >> jimmy: i love him. >> fastest, fastest. yeah, i want to be faster than that. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> but it's not just, you know, good enough to be faster than that, you also have the medals to go with it. okay, well, he's won three already, and he has the world records when he did it. okay. what do you got to do to be better than that? you gotta get four. >> jimmy: okay. >> nobody's done four. now you're going on the mt. rushmore. now you're the greatest of the great. >> jimmy: wow. >> that's where i'm trying to attain. >> jimmy: noah, that's what i'm talking about, bud. [ cheers and applause ] that's what i'm talking about. i love this. there's a new docuseries, i want to mention, that's coming to netflix on july 2nd called "sprint" -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: -- that gives a great behind the scenes look at what everyone goes through as they're getting ready to compete.

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i mean, this is dedication on the next level, buddy. when you see this, do you go, "oh, yeah. i guess that's my life." >> no. it's a balance, for sure. there's some days where it's like this, and i get to come and do amazing things, like talk to jimmy. >> jimmy: no. i'm so lucky to have you here, man. and representing -- >> ah, you're just being flattering. >> jimmy: no, i love you. i cannot wait to watch you at the olympics. you're my dude, man. >> i appreciate it. >> jimmy: i want to show everyone a clip. i want to show -- this is usain bolt talking about noah lyles in "sprint." look at this. ♪ >> noah lyles is a great athlete. he's full of energy. he has the crown. mentally, he's very strong. he believes in himself. ♪ but if he break the world record, i'm not going to be happy. world records are meant to be broken. i wish him all the best, but it's not going to be easy. ♪ >> it's been a long time since somebody done it. i mean, bolt was the last

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person to do it. but, growing up, i've always felt that that title belongs to me. >> jimmy: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] that's what i'm talking about! crush it! crush it! i'm rooting for you. we're all rooting for you. noah lyles, everybody! you can watch the u.s. olympic team trials starting this saturday on nbc and peaco*ck. we'll be right back with the performance from carly pearce. stick around, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪

12:24 am

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to help support nearly three hundred-fifty thousand patients facing cancer nationwide. we call it “the subaru love promise.” and we're proud to be the largest automotive donor to the leukemia and lymphoma society. subaru. more than a car company. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: performing "truck on fire," from her critically acclaimed new album, "hummingbird," please welcome, carly pearce! [ cheers and applause ] ♪

12:29 am

♪ always thought you loved that black z71 more than you loved me ♪ ♪ momma always told me boys like you would run and not for keeps ♪ ♪ you called me up to tell me you were working late uh huh ♪ ♪ well i heard right now you're dancing with a little miss jane ♪ ♪ birds been talking up on the wire spilling your secrets all over this town ♪ ♪ you and her back road pulling all-nighters did you really think that i wouldn't find out? ♪ ♪ oh so i found a little gas in a small red can ohh last strike match flying out of my hand ♪ ♪ liar liar truck on fire flames rolling off of your goodyear tires ♪ ♪ burn burn

12:30 am

you're gonna learn never should've put your lips on her ♪ ♪ ♪ should've known from the way that you never left your phone sitting by the bed ♪ ♪ or the way that you laughed it off when i was catching on said it was in my head ♪ ♪ did you think that i wouldn't smell that cheap perfume ♪ ♪ you'll have to find a new ride 'cause the joke's on you ♪ ♪ birds been talking up on the wire spilling your secrets all over this town ♪ ♪ you and her back road pulling all-nighters did you really think that i wouldn't find out? ♪ ♪ oh so i found a little gas in a small red can ohh last strike match flying out of my hand ♪ ♪ liar liar truck on fire flames rolling off of your goodyear tires ♪

12:31 am

♪ burn burn you're gonna learn never should've put your lips on her ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ burn burn burn baby you'll learn learn learn baby ♪ ♪ birds been talking up on the wire spilling your secrets all over this town ♪ ♪ you and her back road pulling all-nighters did you really think that i wouldn't find out? ♪ ♪ oh so i found a little gas in a small red can ohh last strike match flying out of my hand ♪ ♪ liar liar truck on fire flames rolling off of your goodyear tires ♪ ♪ burn burn you're gonna learn never should've

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put your lips on her ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: come on, now! that's how you do it, right there. come on, bud. that's how you do it. carly pearce! [ cheers and applause ] "hummingbird!" "hummingbird" is out now. we'll be right back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪

12:33 am

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12:35 am

♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to steve carell, amandla stenberg,

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noah lyles, carly pearce once again! [ cheers and applause ] and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. thank you for watching. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." goodnight everybody, bye bye! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- julia louis-dreyfus. star of "the gentlemen," actor theo james. an all-new "closer look." featuring the 8g band with tico torres. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] and now, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." we hope you're doing well. and now if you don't mind we're going to get to the news

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Actor Steve Carell; actress Amandla Stenberg; athlete Noah Lyles; Carly Pearce performs.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.