Wanna Know Why DnD is So Popular? (2024)

A Lot Has Changed Since Gary Gygax Imagined Greyhawk...

By Riley Rath

Title Image ©Wizards of the Coast

Before we go any further, the REAL answer to "why is DnD so popular?" is "Dungeons and Dragons is still not 'popular'"!!!

School D&Dclubs are outnumbered by the backup offense of the JV football team. Family members raise eyebrows when you tell them you are playing (often requiring clarificationthat you are NOT dabbling in either LARP or the occult). And "So You Think You Can Dungeon Master?!" will not be premiering on CBS, Netflix, or the Discovery Channel anytime soon.

But it is undeniable that the game's popularity has exploded in recent years.

  • Wizards of the Coast claims that over 50 million people have played the game.
  • The 2000 D&D moviegrossed over $33 million; the 2023 movie grossed over $208 million (600% increase).
  • Matt Mercer'sCritical Role has a big enough cultural footprint to get their own Amazon animated series and take out a billboard on the ever-busy Olympic Blvd in LA, which probably got over 700,000 (at least) eyeballs while it was up.
  • Bonafide Hollywood hunks like Joe Manganiello proudly proclaim their love of the game.
  • Baldur's Gate 3 is an officialDungeons and Dragons game and it is blowing people's socks off. It is considered to be the best video game of 2023.
  • And perhaps most mind blowing of all... they sell D&D-branded Nerf crossbows in Target.

Need I say more?

Case and point: when I was in Jr. High,I was quiet about getting into LOTR Warhammer, but I went out of my way to make sure people knew I did NOT touch D&D with a 10 foot pole. Now I'm a borderline "voice in the wilderness," proclaiming all cool-kids to repent, forthe Kingdom of Orcus is at hand and we need to send his ass back to the Abyss.

So other than my cultural ignorance and social cowardice, what changed?

Compared to the past 47 years of its existence, why oh why is DnD so popular?

Wanna Know Why DnD is So Popular? (1)

©Duffer Brothers

The D&D Hobby as Presented in Media

I'm going to start withthe thing people THINK is the reason it has become more popular: people are seeing fun examples ofDungeons andDragons in some of their favorite TV shows. Tabletop games are for the general public and no longer reserved exclusively for nerd culture.

The most obvious example isStranger Things, which displayed the ever-so-charming boys Mike, Will, Lucas, and Dustin having tons of fun playing D&D in their basem*nt. But the show went a step further and had the characters use the canon D&D monsters to make sense of the completely weird and unknown monsters they were facing. Translation:Dungeons and Dragons was woven into the fabric of the show. This show was a monumental success and remains one of the crown jewels of the streaming giant, Netflix. As a result, every viewer now associatesDungeons and Dragons NOT with the disparaging "unrelatable, nerdy, awkward weirdo" stereotype, but with likable, relatable characters and high quality entertainment.

Why is DnD so popular? Because pop culture has softened the "too nerdy" stigmas and displayed some of its best traits.

WhileStranger Things accomplished this onthe widest scale, it is certainly not alone.South Park showed that D&D 5e is for girls as much as it is for boys.Harmon Quest displayed how truly HILARIOUS TTRPGs can be.And both of the D&D Community episodes are great examples of how real life relationships are formed through the fictional experience. Finally, there is the newest D&D movie, which managed to not onlyremain a wild, high-fantasy adventure, and not only reflect the unique lore and world ofDungeons and Dragons, but ALSO have a star-studded cast and a well-developed emotional core that any movie goer could relate to.

In summary, one reason people ask "why is DnD so popular?" is because they see positive examples of it thatthey like in mainstream media.

Wanna Know Why DnD is So Popular? (2)

©Wizards of the Coast

5e's Simple(r) Gaming Rules

However, while quirky demonstrations of D&D in pop culture caught a lot of attention, I do not believe it is THE reason D&D becamemore popular.

Real quick, take a look at this character sheet from 4th edition and this character sheet from 5th edition.

Wanna Know Why DnD is So Popular? (3)

4e character sheet (left) and 5e character sheet (right)
©Wizards of the Coast

The one on the left is a cluttered, overwhelming mess that reminds me of filling out IRS tax form 1041. The other is an open, neat block that reminds me offilling out a Facebook profile. Guess which one is intimidating and which one feels natural and accessible? Especially when you follow our handy guide on easily filling out a character sheet?

Why is Dnd so popular? Because it is WAY easier to learn than previous editions.

The 5echaracter sheet is an excellent example of how5th edition, as compared to the previous editions, is SIMPLE. From artwork, character creation, and combat rules... fifth edition D&D is a much, much simpler game for a number of people, less about knowing every little rule and more about playerimagination. The game can be learned in a single session, rather than a single DAY of sessions, and players can start having fun the MOMENT they begin playing (here's how!). With easy rules and resources, accessible entry points, and beginner-friendly content, the game has become less intimidating for new players.

Granted, this is a double-edged sword. Onone hand, I've posted over a dozen posts BLASTING the asses of WOTC for not havingbetter exploration rules. On the other hand, I have also admitted many, MANY times that their emphasis on simplicity is THE reason D&D 5e is so much more popular than it used to be.

Wanna Know Why DnD is So Popular? (4)

DnD 5e on Roll20

The Internet Made Playing A LOT Easier

So I write blog posts about D&D. I run my own campaigns, homebrew rules, and brainstorm ways to getthe most out of each character class. But I didn't even start PLAYINGDungeons and Dragons until 2015. And you know what is painfully obvious to me?


That is not hyperbole... I do not believe I would have ever become a Dungeon Master if the internet did not exist when I started playing atage 25. For a style of game that is not very intuitive, has thousands of rules, and theoretically infinite possibilities, the internet has been a GAME CHANGER. Being a Dungeon Master was at least 100x harder before websites like RPGBOT and DnD Beyond existed. I mean, for Pete's sake, look at D&D 5e's wiki homepage... it has VOLUMES UPON VOLUMES of information just sitting there.

But while that stuff makes character creation or looking up Grapple rules for the 87th time easier... that is just thetip of the iceberg! In today'sdigital age, I can listen to a podcast on the Forgotten Ream's kobolds as I workout, play online with friends thousands of miles away, and observe true D&D legends by watching actual plays. The internet if FULL of influencers, YouTubers, and Twitch streamers with combined CENTURIES of experience. They offer insight on worldbuilding, character creation,campaign design, dnd dice sets... you can literally ask a DnD question on Reddit or Stack Exchange and randos will answer it.

Why is Dnd so popular? Cuz every aspect ofDungeons and Dragons has been made more accessible bythe internet.

To sum it up, the digital age has significantly shaped Dnd 5e's popularity due to the ubiquitous presence of Dungeon Masters leveraging social media, video games, and streaming platforms. Additionally, Dnd 5e's integration into the digital age engages players through virtual tabletops,online forums, and streaming channels, expanding thegame's reach globally. YouTube and gaming streams have played a pivotal role in boosting the game's visibility, while its adaption into video games has successfully attracted a new player base.

Wanna Know Why DnD is So Popular? (5)

©Acquisitions Incorporated

5e as an All-Inclusive Game

Finally,Dungeons and Dragons is popularbecause, in general, anyone that wants to play is welcome to play. The game was founded on when being nerdy wasbad for your mental and physical health... long before people took quizzes on which Harry Potter house they belonged to. And victims of social hierarchies are hesitant to form equally exclusionary hierarchies.

So it doesn't matter how different you are or how much society finds you "difficult"... the rules of the real world do not apply when everyone gathers at the table! You can swing a sword even if you aren't a starting pitcher on the baseball team. You can role-play even if you did not get the lead role in the play. You can be heroic even if you are shy in class. You can outsmart a villain even if you didn't make the debate team. You can win the princess's/prince's heart even if you weren't prom king/queen.

Why is DnD so popular? BecauseDungeons and Dragons has always been welcoming and inclusive.

And with the benefits of pop culture exposure, a simple rule system, and the internet at your fingertips, D&D was met by a flood of new players who felt they didn't quite fit into culture. While there are a few bad apples in any community, the whole D&D culture is predisposed to welcome with open arms any social outcasts that wash up on its shores. It is not only an "isle of lost toys," but a place where ANY toy is welcome to play!

"Is D&D still nerdy?"

Oh, don't worry... it usually is. Only nerdy stuff deals with goblins, sorcery points, 1,000 year dragon/giant wars, and arguing for hours over how Counterspell works. But the game can also work in everything from sci-fi to raw historical settings!

Wanna Know Why DnD is So Popular? (6)

©The New York Times

Why is DnD So Popular?

D&D 5e is popular because people saw positive examples of it in mainstream media, it is a simple game to learn, it is much easier to play with the internet, and is accepting of anyone and everyone that wants to play.

But that begs the question... WHY should you give it a try? What makes it special... what makes it fun?

And that is a topic for a future blog post :)

Oh! And there is one more reason I forgot to include!

Why is DnD So Popular?

Cuz the Dice Are So Damn Awesome!

Shop Our DnD Dice Here

Riley Rath

Wanna Know Why DnD is So Popular? (8)

Riley is a freelance copywriter, content writer, and marketer based out of Spokane, WA. He is thankful to have the opportunity to combine his passion for imaginative role-playing to help FLGS, tabletop, board game, and D&D related businesses communicate their distinct value to players everywhere. When not playing or writing about board games or DnD, he is busy hiking, cooking, and gardening... very hobbit-like for a 6'4" dude.

Click here if your DnD 5e or tabletop games business needs a board game marketing professional

Wanna Know Why DnD is So Popular? (2024)


Wanna Know Why DnD is So Popular? ›

Why is DnD So Popular? D&D 5e is popular because people saw positive examples of it in mainstream media, it is a simple game to learn, it is much easier to play with the internet, and is accepting of anyone and everyone that wants to play.

Why has D&D become so popular? ›

D&D's increased popularity, over the past decade in particular, has been driven by the success of the game's current version (the fifth edition, released in 2014), the growth in online gaming culture, as well as increased social acceptance of what have historically been considered “nerdy” or “geeky” interests.

What is so great about DnD? ›

It improves all sorts of learning skills, including math, as well as social-emotional skills. Dungeons and Dragons provides many with a way to fight their real-life dragons and emerge from the dungeon as smarter, happier, more well-rounded people.

Why is DnD the most popular RPG? ›

Sarah Parvini, for the Los Angeles Times, wrote, "players and scholars attribute the game's resurgent popularity not only to the longueurs of the pandemic, but also to its reemergence in pop culture—on the Netflix series Stranger Things, whose main characters play D&D in a basem*nt; on the sitcom The Big Bang Theory; ...

Why do people play Dungeons and Dragons? ›

D&D is a great way for kids and adults alike to engage their creativity, employ their problem-solving skills and just have fun. So, gather around the dining room table, put aside the electronics and settle in for hours (and hours and hours) of entertainment.

Is playing D&D nerdy? ›

Often classified as a game just for “nerds,” there are many reasons why it's amazing and fun for everyone. DnD is a great way for people to express their creativity and cooperation to work through the story that the Dungeon Master, who is also known as the lead storyteller, referee, and game organizer.

Why does Dungeons and Dragons have a bad reputation? ›

At various times in its history, Dungeons & Dragons has received bad publicity for alleged or perceived promotion of such practices as Satanism, witchcraft, suicide, p*rnography, and murder. Especially during the 1980s, certain religious groups accused the game of encouraging sorcery and the veneration of demons.

Is D&D good for mental health? ›

Researchers have found that people who play the game Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) show improvements in their mental health. James Cook University PhD researcher Alyssia Merrick led the study, which analysed the effect the game had on 25 people who played over eight weeks.

How does D&D affect the brain? ›

Studies have shown that the use of RPGs such as Dungeons and Dragons, could be used as an intervention-based approach to improve mental health by reducing levels of depression, stress, anxiety, and loneliness.

Is it fun to play DND alone? ›

Playing Dungeons and Dragons solo can be appealing for a range of reasons. Most notably, it allows you to try out new things, practice your skills, and experience fantasy adventures even if you haven't found a group of adventurers to play with.

What is the most played class in D&D? ›

Of the 6 million new characters created on D&D Beyond in 2023, Human and Fighter ranked as the top race and class, respectively.

When did D&D gain popularity? ›

As the popularity of the game grew throughout the late-1970s and 1980s, it became referenced in popular culture more frequently. The complement of games, films and cultural references based on Dungeons & Dragons or similar fantasies, characters, and adventures became ubiquitous after the end of the 1970s.

Should I let my child play Dungeons and Dragons? ›

Dungeons and Dragons and other Tabletop Role Playing Games (TTRPGs) are a great way to sneakily build skills that children will need not only in school, but later in life. Some of those skills are: Vocabulary Building, Problem Solving, Team Work, Communication, Listening, Storytelling and Imagination growth.

Is D&D school appropriate? ›

“D&D (and other tabletop RPGs) are great for kids,” Rachael says. She points out that playing these types of games helps kids learn important social and emotional skills like: Empathy.

What does Dungeons and Dragons teach you? ›

Not only does D&D help us learn to deal with setbacks, we realize that part of the joy of life is overcoming obstacles. When you play the game, the most satisfying moments come when you accomplish something major.

How Dungeons & Dragons somehow became more popular than ever? ›

More people are playing, partly, because it has never been easier. D&D used to be a nitpicky, number-crunchy affair. Then, in 2014, Wizards of the Coast released a new edition — the beloved 5th edition — that is more streamlined, more spontaneous and less rule-driven.

What NFL players play D&D? ›

For Myles Garrett, Johnny Stanton and a few of their Browns teammates, the RPG of choice is the classic Dungeons & Dragons. The group first formed in September 2020 at Stanton's behest; as the only one with any prior D&D experience, he served as dungeon master, or DM, and helped everyone choose characters.

What is the least popular D&D class? ›

We recently talked about why Druids are (statistically speaking) the least popular Dungeons and Dragons class. While Druids' complexity, versatility, and unique fantasy design are part of their appeal, those same attributes can easily turn off other players (especially new players).

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